Mtb Dreamers alongside with you
You will have the dreamed experience with a friendly, resourceful and creative adventure design team. We love riding the nature enjoying the border of pleasure and sweating.
- Jordi Bonet
- Having lived between Barcelona and the Pyrenees’ valleys, this complete rider may wear the enduro jersey as well the day after the CX ride is leaded by himself. He plays as local everywhere in the Catalan cycling field and have hence a deep knowledge of the area. An experienced local crew make his tasks effortless and provide you with the best service you could imagine. Jordi has an unsurpassed passion for mountain biking, having fun in the sun on his bike. Owner-operator Mtb dreams cycling trips, he’s been skiman, trade consultant, producer and nowadays travel agent and guide. He has one piece of a dreamer 3 years old kid.
- Anna Sastre
- Is the creative side who empowers all the crew, she’s also the beauty and the one who help us in communication and logistics tasks. But above all Anna is excellent on anticipating needs and always with an attention to detail that makes your stay stress free.
- Adrian Otero
- Having in his hands worldclass elit sportsmen regularly, this ostheopat born in Argentina is the clue for the painless recoveries, to improve the training output and, besides all this, a great person with tones of histories that will make you feel like at a friend’s home. When everyone else just makes it Adrian makes it look soooo easy.
- Jordi Martos
- Trailbuilder, trackhunter, bike loader, inventor and driver and above all, a big everlasting smile, What could we do without him?